Sunsama, in leather-bound books...

Sunsama, in leather-bound books...

Do you remember how I promised you I'd post more regularly on the blog, and that I'd be more consistent on Instagram, and also that course to help you with the mindset around English? No? Well, I almost don't remember anymore, either. But I know I've promised quite a lot. And none of it happened.

Yeah, it's embarrassing, I know. But I want to explain it to you a little bit. It's not that I don't want to do it, or that I'm lazy, or that I don't realistically have the time. One of the main reasons is that I suffer from time blindness, and I have no idea how long things will take. And that makes it harder to plan something and even harder to actually do it.

Also, my head is full of more and more ideas, and ideally, I would like to make all of them come to life. (Yeah, I know that's not realistic.) Well, and I have to write all those ideas down somewhere. And the tasks I need to get done - whether work or personal.

I've tried about a million different ways to get organized, but I always end up with:

🔮 a bambillion random notes on my phone

🔮 a gazillion entries in some electronic system

🔮 five million papers with notes and to-do lists on my desk

I've tried to implement some system so many times, and so many times I've tired and annoyed someone by complaining that I can't get out of the mess. I've always heard myself respond to my friends' suggestions:

"Yeah, I tried that, but it doesn't work, or it’s not going to work because..."

"Yeah, I tried that, but it doesn't work, or it’s not going to work because..."

It sounded like excuses even to myself, even though I knew they weren't excuses. I still didn't know what was behind this "incompetence" of mine, but that's for another time. Because it doesn't really belong here, but more importantly, it could take a really long time.

Today I want to tell you about something that helped me and is helping me dig myself out of this paper death. It's a total game-changer, and I'm so excited about it that I talk about it all the time and everywhere, so why not here too.

I came across a tool that I've always wanted and needed. But if you had asked me a while ago what it should look like, I couldn't have described it myself in a way that would have resulted in a Sunsama.

I could talk about it for waaay too long because it's really, really cool, but I see I need to get other things done, and I don't want to bore you. But I want to say that Sunsama made me finally realize how much I was overcommitting while thinking I wasn't still doing enough.

They have totally awesome graphs where I can see where time is vanishing, and I can also perfectly see the difference between the time I thought it would take and the reality. And all of a sudden lots of things start to make sense.

Aaaaand, I can't help but tell you about 2 more things I really love about Sunsama:

📆 I can see in one place the things I have in my calendar (Google) and also the to-do list that I don't want on my calendar, even though I have the tasks scheduled for that day. Which is absolutely genius and something I've always missed.

🎯 When I turn focus mode on for a specific task on my PC, then whatever window I'm in (even outside the app), I see a mini window with a timer and the name of the task I'm working on, and it makes it easier for me to focus on that task.

If you feel hooked and want to try Sunsama - click HERE. You'll get extra 14 days of free trial, which makes a total of 30 days. Plus, for the first 14 days, you'll get an email daily with really helpful tips and a nudge to open the app. Not to mention you'll be practicing your English.

For me, Sunsama is a real game-changer and life-saver. It doesn’t mean I want to make promises now that I'm going to keep everything I promise from now on and catch up on those promises from the past. But, you know, I see a very real possibility that it's gonna get better. At least in that, I'll be more realistic about what I promise.

And to go back to that Saxana-evocative title and come full circle - don't look for any magic or deeper meaning in it. It's just my wild mind finding the song everywhere. And unlike the girl on the broom, Sunsama is from the world of ones and zeros, but how it changes my life - it actually is quite magical to me...

Ivana Běhounková | English Stories - průvodkyně světem angličtiny a expert na samomluvu. Posvítím vám na cestu k vaší vlastní angličtině.

Ivana Běhounková

Ivana je průvodkyně světem angličtiny a zakladatelka projektu English Stories. Je autorka ebooku 3 tipy jak udělat z angličtiny svůj jazyk a konverzačních kartiček Talk to me a online kurzu The Speaking Challenge.

Můžete si s ní zajít na virtuální kafe a popovídat si v  Online Café Lounge a nebo probrat svoje podnikání v  Busines Café Lounge.

Kromě angličtiny miluje příběhy všeho druhu, přírodu, hudbu, teplý ponožky a každodenní magický okamžiky. A taky fakt, že je z ní opět opitmistka, idealistka a snílek.

O tom jak se dostala k English Stories si můžete přečíst tady.

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